Keystone State Park Walk, September 2, 2001

Species List for Keystone State Park, PA

compiled by Bob Lucas

Genus Species Page Refs.*

Bolete sp.  
Boletinellus merulioides L 452 564
Cantharellus cibarius L 427 387
Clavicorona pyxidata L 744 401
Collybia dryophila L 80 755
Collybia radicata L 789 ; B/B/F 270
Ganoderma applanatum L 518 460
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca L 311 669
Lactarius sp.  
Lepiota procera L 172 520
Lycoperdon perlatum L 652, 676 825
Mycena haematopus L 76 781
Panellus stipticus L 501 790
Pleurotus ostreatus L 484, 497 793
Russula sp  
Scleroderma citrinum L 654 839
Sparassis crispa L 756 411
Strobilomyces floccopus L 379 580
Trametes elegans B/B/F 400 381
Trametes versicolor L 482 489
Trichaptum biformis L 538 490
Tricholomopsis decora L 302 807
Tyromyces caesius L 522 490

* AuthorCode PicturePage# TextPage#, where:
L Lincoff National Audubon Soc. Field Guide to North American Mushrooms Alfred A. Knopf; New York; 1995.
B/B/F Bessette, Bessette, & Fischer Mushrooms of Northeastern North America Syracuse University Press; 1999.
B/R/B Bessette, Roody, & Bessette North American Boletes Syracuse University Press; 2000.
RP Roger Phillips Mushrooms of North America Little, Brown, & Company; 1991.
x (in place of page #) not covered by this author
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