Diatrype virescens observation project

Do you like to talk a walks outside even when it's cold out? Ever pick up sticks to see whats growing on them? Like charismatic fungi? If so we have a project for you! DC based naturalist Mark Richman (imasongster on iNat) is asking for observations of Diatrype...

Species list from Hartwood Acres on 11/30/2024

As luck would have it Saturdays walk was the coldest day since last winter, at approximately 20F at 10am. Fourteen hardy mushroom hunters braved the cold to see what we could find. The previous week had been above freezing and wet so there have been quite a few late...

2024 Photo contest winners

Thank you to Sara Klingensmith for judging this years photo contest. The winners were announced at the October meeting. There were four categories to enter Pictorial, Documentary, Judge's Option and for the second year Mushroom Selfies. Pictorial: This division is for...

Species list from Townsend Park on 10/19/2024

This is week "4" of the fall colors and Pennsylvania Fall Foliage Report was reporting/predicting best colors in Westmoreland county. It was indeed beautiful! Warm and dry weather helped make it a great day to be outside. The general lack of rain this summer and fall...

Species list from October meeting 2024 on 10/15/2024

These are specimens brought into the meeting for the display table. Most identified by Dirk Cappo and the rest by other club members/identifiers. Species list entered by Richard Jacob. Fungi: Agaricus campestris ( Meadow Mushroom / Field Mushroom), Agaricus placomyces...

Lincoff Foray

The 24ed annual Gary Lincoff Foray is on September 20, 2024.

About the club

The Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club was created to promote the enjoyment, study, and exchange of information about wild mushrooms. Everyone who has an interest in wild mushrooms is welcome to become a member. Activities include regular meetings, projects centered on mushrooms, and walks and forays.

Bolete filter

The Bolete Filter is a triage (A Synoptic Key) for North American Boletes developed by Scott Pavelle with lots of input from other club members and country wide experts and hosted by the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club.