Monthly Meetings

Meetings and Programs begin at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month (March-Nov.) at Frick Environmental Center.

Walks and Forays

We request that no one hunt mushrooms in a walk or foray location for at least two weeks before a walk or foray. It is only through your cooperation that we can have successful walks and forays. You can find last minute additions or changes on Facebook.

For all walks and forays:

  • Walks generally start on time. Please come 15-30 minutes early and socialize.
  • Bring water and food, since we are often out for several hours.
  • Dress for the weather. Layers are particularly useful.
  • Bring a basket or something to carry the mushrooms in, and wax or paper bags to store them.
  • Other useful items include a whistle, compass, chair, hand lens, and books for identification. Bring your membership card and a friend or two.

Add WPMC events to your calendar
Use this URL to add the WPMC calendar to your iCAL compatible calendar:

The dates for local events are in red and out of state events are in green.

Spore Print Your Mushrooms!
If Dr. Sam Ristich and Gary Lincoff still spore print their mushrooms, you should too. It may save you from a fatal mistake. If you don’t, here is the number for the Poison Control Center. We suggest keeping it handy on the fridge. 1-800-222-1222.

Need help remembering mushrooms from a walk or foray?
Check the club’s Species List. It will tell you all the species of mushrooms that were found on a particular walk or foray. Mycological recorder Bob Lucas has done an excellent job with this. He has also created a club Life list that lists all the mushrooms that the club has found since its beginning. Click on the camera icon and it will show you pictures of that particular species of mushroom.