After a 15 minute rain delay,12 stalwart hangers on had a great day at the North Park Blackrock Shelter Aug 13, 2016 finding a trove of excellent edibles and many of the usual suspects. The recent rain helped increase our findings. There were some species we could not identify with certainty and therefore did not post our guesses ( like Amanita spreta, red capped russula, and immature Ischnoderma resinosa ??)
Species list entered by John Stuart. Identifiers were Dick Dougall and John Stuart
List of species found on the walk at North Park:
[icon style=”camera”] Amanita daucipes (),
[icon style=”camera”] Amanita farinosa (Powder Cap Amanita),
[icon style=”camera”] Baorangia bicolor (Red-and-yellow Bolete; Bicolor Bolete),
[icon style=”camera”] Aureoboletus innixus (Clustered Brown Bolete),
[icon style=”camera”] Boletus pallidus (Pallid Bolete),
[icon style=”camera”] Cantharellus cibarius (Common Chanterelle; Golden Chanterelle),
[icon style=”camera”] Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Coral Slime),
[icon style=”camera”] Hypomyces chrysospermus (Bolete Mold),
[icon style=”camera”] Hypomyces hyalinus (Amanita Mold),
[icon style=”camera”] Lactarius quietus var. incanus (),
[icon style=”camera”] Laetiporus cincinnatus (Chicken of the woods),
[icon style=”camera”] Laetiporus sulphureus (Chicken Mushroom; Sulphur Shelf),
[icon style=”camera”] Leccinum scabrum (Birch Scaber Stalk),
[icon style=”camera”] Megacollybia rodmani (Platterful Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Meripilus sumstinei (Black-staining Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Panellus stipticus (Luminescent Panellus, bitter oyster),
[icon style=”camera”] Pluteus cervinus (Deer mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Neofavolus alveolaris (Hexagonal-pored Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill),
[icon style=”camera”] Sparassis spathulata (),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum complicatum (Crowded Parchment),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum ostrea (False Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Trametes versicolor (Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Trichaptum biforme (Violet Toothed-Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Tylopilus alboater (Black Velvet Bolete)
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