Date(s) - 05/17/2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve
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Sometimes the address and location information for a meeting point is not 100% accurate. Some parks and meeting point do not have a street address so it is difficult to program the map to point to the exact location. Click on the link for any additional driving directions and meeting point information to Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve.
We request that no one hunts a walk or foray location for at least two weeks prior to a walk or foray. It is only through your cooperation that we can have successful walks and forays. All walks & forays will be held rain or shine. Come 15-30 min early and socialize. All walks start on time, so be early, if you are late we will already be in the woods. If you are a club member and have already joined our Facebook Group you can find last minute additions or changes there.
Hello my name is Kosta Bounos and I would like to join the club. Can I come to the May 17th meeting?
Yes, meetings are open to the public. Note that this month we will be giving away mushroom grow kits but you need to be a member to receive a kit. You can join on the night or online etc before hand.