Mark your calendars now for the 24th annual Gary Lincoff Foray. Here are the events we’ve planned for that weekend:

There will be a Fluorescent Foray on the evening of Thursday 19th, 7:30pm, at Cook Forest Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Center at the entrance to the Forest Cathedral.

A Pre-Foray Walk walk will be held on Friday, September 20th at Cook Forest, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm with Park Ranger Dale Luthringer. There is no cost or registration to attend the pre-foray walk but you will be responsible for your own transportation and lunch. Driving directions to Cook Forest:

The Gary Lincoff Foray will be held on Saturday, September 21st at Economy Fire Department Banquet Hall , 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. The WPMC club will be selling T-shirts and books (cash and credit accepted). Driving directions to Economy Fire Department Banquet Hall:

Guest Mycologist

Speaker Spotlight: Sigrid Jakob

Sigrid Jakob, President of NY Mycological Society.

DNA sequencing for non-scientists
DNA sequencing has become an integral part of modern mycology. It’s not only helping with the classification of fungi but has revolutionized our understanding of the fungal tree of life. This talk will take us through the many uses (and abuses) of DNA sequencing. It will explain how DNA sequencing works, explain the different methodologies (Sanger and Nanopore sequencing), what it takes to set up a lab and how to integrate molecular methods with the documenting and collecting clubs are already doing. It will also showcase the relevance of DNA sequencing to support the conservation of rare and threatened fungi. We’ll finish by taking a look at some of the more interesting discoveries from her and her club’s collections that DNA sequencing has helped uncover. This talk is targeted at everybody – no scientific background required!

Speaker Spotlight: Hannah Huber

Hannah Huber, Conservation Mycologist for the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program

Mushroom ID and table talk: Walt Sturgeon

Walt Sturgeon, author (mushroom ID and table talk)

Registration is open!

You can register online here or print and send in this offline form with payment.

Please consider volunteering at the event to make it a success. You can contact [email protected] for more information.