Many of Mushroom Education Class attendees came down the hill in order to try their had at finding and identifying mushrooms. We had quite a wide variety of species but not that many specimens of any one species. Just a few days to early for lots of the larger “mushroom” species and chanterelles. However, a couple of the ones we did find were interesting. Hymenopellis incognita had previously be found by club member Cecily Franklin and identified by Michael Kuo. On this walk we found it again along with a close look alike Hymenopellis furfuracea. There are slight differences in the margin of the cap and whether the stem is stuffed H. incognita, or hollow, H. furfuracea but confirmation came down to microscopic analysis of the spores.
Species list entered by Richard Jacob. Identified by La Monte Yarroll, Blaine Sanner, Adam Heritan and Richard Jacob
along with a few other members.
List of species found on the walk at Afternoon walk at Salamander Park:
[icon style=”camera”] Allodus podophylli (Mayapple Rust),
[icon style=”camera”] Amanita flavoconia (Yellow Patches),
[icon style=”camera”] Arcyria cinerea (White Carnival Candy Slime),
[icon style=”camera”] Artomyces pyxidatus (Crown-tipped Coral Fungus),
[icon style=”camera”] Boletus subvelutipes (Red-Mouth Bolete),
[icon style=”camera”] Calocera cornea (),
[icon style=”camera”] Cerrena unicolor (Mossy Maze Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Clavaria vermicularis (White Worm Coral Fungus),
[icon style=”camera”] Dacryopinax spathularia (Spathula Shapped Yellow Jelly),
[icon style=”camera”] Ganoderma applanatum (Artist’s Conk),
[icon style=”camera”] Hapalopilus nidulans (Tender Nesting Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Hemitrichia calyculata (),
[icon style=”camera”] Hypocrea pallida (),
[icon style=”camera”] Hymenopellis furfuracea (),
[icon style=”camera”] Hymenopellis incognita (),
[icon style=”camera”] Hypomyces chrysospermus (Bolete Mold),
[icon style=”camera”] Hypoxylon fragiforme (Red Cushion Fungi),
[icon style=”camera”] Inocybe rimosa (Straw-colored Fiber-head),
[icon style=”camera”] Inonotus dryadeus (Oak Bracket),
[icon style=”camera”] Irpex lacteus (Milk-white Toothed-Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Lentinellus ursinus (),
[icon style=”camera”] Lycogala epidendrum (Wolf’s Milk Slime),
[icon style=”camera”] Maramiellus candidus (),
[icon style=”camera”] Marasmius rotula (Pinwheel Marasmius),
[icon style=”camera”] Megacollybia rodmani (Platterful Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Mycena subcaerulea (Blue mycena),
[icon style=”camera”] Neofavolus alveolaris (Hexagonal-pored Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Peniophora albobadia (Giraffe spots),
[icon style=”camera”] Peniophora cinerea (),
[icon style=”camera”] Perenniporia robiniophila (Locust polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus radicatus (Rooting Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus varius (),
[icon style=”camera”] Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum ostrea (False Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Tremella mesenterica (Witches’ Butter),
[icon style=”camera”] Tremellodendron schweinitzii (Jellied False Coral),
[icon style=”camera”] Trichaptum biforme (Violet Toothed-Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Tyromyces chioneus (White Cheese Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Xylaria longipes (),
[icon style=”camera”] Xylaria polymorpha (Dead Man’s Fingers)
Species not currently on clubs life list:
Russla sp. x2
Lepiota sp
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