After an excellent introduction talk about Morels and how to find them by club identifier Bob Sleigh the large group drove round to the main Pine Ridge park to hunt for Morels. The group split into 4 sub groups and went in different directions along with a guide. A storm rolled through the area but the thunder, lightning and rain quickly dissipated and did not dampen the crowds enthusiasm for the morel hunt. Each group found some morels, along with an assortment of other species. We then reconvened to compare our finds and identify the other species.
Species list entered by Richard Jacob.
List of species found on the walk at Morel Mushrooms: What, Where, When. Presentation and walk at Pine Ridge Lodge:
[icon style=”camera”] Allodus podophylli (Mayapple Rust),
[icon style=”camera”] Ganoderma applanatum (Artist’s Conk),
[icon style=”camera”] Megacollybia rodmani (Platterful Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Morchella angusticeps (Black Morel),
[icon style=”camera”] Morchella esculenta (Yellow Morel),
[icon style=”camera”] Morchella semilibera (Half-free Morel),
[icon style=”camera”] Mycena haematopus (Bleeding Mycena),
[icon style=”camera”] Mycena leaiana (Orange Mycena),
[icon style=”camera”] Neofavolus alveolaris (Hexagonal-pored Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Piptoporus betulinus (Birch Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Peziza badioconfusa (),
[icon style=”camera”] Pluteus cervinus (Deer mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus badius (Black-footed Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus brumalis (),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus squamosus (Dryad’s Saddle, Pheasant Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Resupinatus applicatus (Black Jelly Oyster),
[icon style=”camera”] Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum ostrea (False Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Trametes versicolor (Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Urnula craterium ()
Species not currently on clubs life list:
Pleurotus sp.
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