Welcome to the recipe section of the WPMC website. If you wish to publish a recipe send the details to [email protected]. Please include one or more pictures of the finished dish if possible. Pictures of the starting ingredients and steps are also accepted and can be used. We request that no direct copies of recipes from books or other websites are submitted. Ideally these are recipes for dishes a member brought to a meeting, pot luck or Foray. They may have originated in a book or magazine but should be club member tried and true. If your recipe is based on a published recipe please include the reference to the original. We look forward to receiving recipes for some of your favorite mushroom dishes.

Radicchio salad with wild mushroomsBy Richard JacobMild radicchio combined with crispy fried mushrooms and pearl couscous over a smear of whipped ricotta completes this main meal winter salad.
Chanterelle CakeBy Cara CoulterThis the recipe for the mushroom themed Chanterelle Cake at the 2019 Lincoff Foray.
Spiced wild mushroomsBy Richard JacobServe this appetizer on toast or crackers. The spices go really with the apricot/citrusy flavor of chanterelles but you can use any flesh mushrooms or a combination of them.
Mushrooms with SherryBy Richard JacobThis is a quick and easy Spanish style side dish or appetizer. In the pictures I've used Chanterelles but you can use most fleshy species of mushrooms like boletes, oysters, a mixture of species or store brought mushrooms. If you are serving them as an appetizer toast up a few slices of bread and rub with raw garlic and olive oil.
Puffball Parmesan frittersBy Richard JacobThis is a very simple fritter. I find the Parmesan cheese really compliments the mushroom flavor. You can make the fritter more study by dipping the puffball in seasoned flour before the egg and cheese. If you have dehydrated some puffballs previously you can mix the flour with a couple of tablespoons of puffball powder for extra mushroom flavor. The measurements in this recipe are not exact but the proportions are reasonable as it really depends on how much puffball you have . . .
MaPo tofu – Vegetarian versionBy Richard JacobThis is a vegetarian version of the Sichuan classic MaPo tofu. The flavor profile is hot and numbing which is known as Mala. Cut back on the chili powder if you don't like it so hot. The Sichuan chili bean paste is the key ingredient for the flavor and is also called Pixian Doubanjiang or Pixian Douban. Pixian is the area that is is from and the Doubanjiang or Douban is the paste. The paste is made from fermented fava beans, chili, flour and salt. It will be sold in bags or packs or in jars. The jar version contains oil. Both will keep for a long time in the fridge. Serve with rice.
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