Welcome to the recipe section of the WPMC website. If you wish to publish a recipe send the details to [email protected]. Please include one or more pictures of the finished dish if possible. Pictures of the starting ingredients and steps are also accepted and can be used. We request that no direct copies of recipes from books or other websites are submitted. Ideally these are recipes for dishes a member brought to a meeting, pot luck or Foray. They may have originated in a book or magazine but should be club member tried and true. If your recipe is based on a published recipe please include the reference to the original. We look forward to receiving recipes for some of your favorite mushroom dishes.

Stir fried mixed mushroomsBy Richard JacobThis is a simple Chinese influenced mixed mushroom stir fry. A good combination is about 6 oz of Shiitake mushrooms mixed with 10 oz of other mushrooms.
Stir-fried wood ear mushrooms with cucumberBy Richard JacobWood ear mushrooms do not have a lot of flavor but they make up for it in texture. In this recipe we also cook the cucumber which is fairly common in Chinese cooking. You can also use 4oz of fresh wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia angiospermarum or Auricularia americana) or brown jelly roll (Exidia crenata (previously known as Exidia recisa )) instead of the dried ones.
Snow Fungus SoupBy Richard JacobSnow Fungus is a white jelly fungus Tremella fuciformis that is available dried in many Asian stores. This dish was presented as part of the cooking demonstration at the September 2016 meeting. When I served this at the meeting my water to mushroom ration was off. There should have been more water in the finished soup.
Ischnoderma resinosum JerkyBy Jerry Sapp Jr.Ischnoderma resinosum is not frequently picked but the flesh on young specimens is soft and meaty. In this recipe the mushroom is dried into jerky strips for enjoyment over the winter months.
Smoked chicken of the woodsBy Scott PavelleThis is Scott’s favorite use of chicken mushrooms. It is the closest you’ll ever come to a true veggie bacon and has been described as “spot on” by chef Steve Eldridge of Pittsburgh's _Provision_ restaurant, a genuine master of the art. We use it as an ingredient in just about any dish where you’d otherwise like a hit of bacon. Pastas, salads, vegetables, sandwiches, you name it. The texture is like chicken that’s been very gently poached.
Pickled ChanterellesBy Scott PavelleSince people asked, here is the recipe we used to make the Pickled Chanterelles served at the 2018 Lincoff foray. You can obviously cut it in half if that is more convenient. This is the recipe used at the 2018 Lincoff Foray. It is adapted from a recipe provided by Mary Smiley, who now lives in Maryland (a different woman from Pittsburgh’s own Mary Jo Smiley). Pickled Chanterelles NOTE: The original recipe specified white wine vinegar but we used what we had handy. We believe that 100% champagne vinegar would have been even better, but the key is to avoid a harsh one. We also added the onions (for complexity and because we love pickled onions anyway) and the star anise (because it plays so nicely with chanterelles). One recipe makes ≈ 4-5 quarts of chanterelle pickle. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Vinegar-based pickles like these typically follow a 3 step process: (A) Boil briefly to get rid of the spores and impurities, (B) Jar with something like a 1:2 mixture of vinegar-to-water, and then (C) Finish cooking in the jars for 30 minutes, which will create a vacuum seal for long term storage. This recipe is slightly unusual because the parboiling step takes place in the brine. That makes them ready to eat right away and allows you to ignore the vacuum-sealing step if you’re keeping them in the fridge for a maximum of 60 days. We do the whole process because we store them in the pantry indefinitely. Just remember that the jars will be prettier if you leave behind the dusty impurities as you move the liquid into your jars. SAFETY NOTE: As always, if the lid pops during storage you should throw the whole thing away because something went badly wrong.
Honey mushroom pierogiesBy Richard JacobHere is a great autumn dish with lots of Pittsburgh flair - honey mushroom pierogies. Now for those that don't know me I am not from Pittsburgh and I don't have an Eastern European background which means I won't be making the pierogies the same way as your Mother/Grandmother/Babcia . So take my recipe for pierogi dough with a pinch of salt, if you have a different/better recipe please feel free to use that. For those that don't have a pierogi dough recipe this one should work just fine. Honey mushrooms are named after their color rather than their taste. They can have a bit of a livery taste and if this is the first time eating honey mushrooms try the cream cheese variation first. I recommend cooking the Honey mushrooms quite well in order to bring out the flavor and avoid any adverse reactions that are occasionally reported when they are under cooked. You can of course use any mushrooms, wild or store brought, or a mixture of mushrooms for this recipe. Button mushrooms and Shiitake would both work well.
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