Last November, WPMC members Cecily Franklin, John Plischke, Garrett Taylor, and Richard Jacob participated in a research project with doctors from Allegheny General Hospital. The result, titled “Emergency Mushroom Identification through Social Media: Comparison with Verified Expert Opinion”, was submitted to the American College of Medical Toxicology. For more information, see the March/April WPMC newsletter. Here’s the poster in full.
Emergency Mushroom Identification through Social Media: Comparison with Verified Expert Opinion

Hi, I was referred to you with a question regarding identifying possible poisonous mushrooms in my yard in Hudson, Wisconsin, that my 4 month old puppy may have ingested.
My email is
[email protected]
I am not sure how to send the pictures I have to this website.
For emergency identification I recommend this Facebook group:
For non emergency identifications please send some pictures to [email protected]
This page has the basic info about poisonous mushrooms: