On May 19th we held our first online meeting. Rather than the traditional cultivation night which we were not able to host due to meeting restrictions we had a talk on a new project: Heavy Metal Contamination in Edible Mushrooms by past president Richard Jacob.

You can see a recording of the meeting and talk here:

Or just look at the slides:

We are looking for suggestions on which popular edible mushrooms we should test and mushroom picking sites booth those that are potentially polluted and those that are as clean as can be in the current day and age. Please email site-admin@wpamushroomclub.org with your ideas. Collection consists of picking the mushroom in one wax bag and some top soil in another, then drying in an dehumidifier or low oven until very dry.

After the presentation we had a zoom call attended by ~40 members. We discussed a number of ideas on future online content and how to structure future zoom meetings.