Our thanks to Rebecca Miller for judging the 2012 WPMC Photo Contest.
First Place: Dick Dougall, Amanita muscaria
Second Place: Cecily Franklin, Mycena leaiana
Third Place: Jim Adams, Pholiota aurivella
First Place: Mary Jo Smiley, Reishi
Second Place: Dick Dougall, Chlorophyllum rachodes
Third Place: Cecily Franklin, Coprinus sp.
First Place: John Stuart, Crucibulum laeve
Second Place: Mary Jo Smiley, Toad on a Stool
Third Place: Renee Shiska, Grifola Frondosa
- Documentary – First Place: Dick Dougall, Amanita muscaria
- Documentary – Second Place: Cecily Franklin, Mycena leaiana
- Documentary – Third Place: Jim Adams, Pholiota aurivella
- Pictorial – First Place: Mary Jo Smiley, Reishi
- Pictorial – Ssecond Place: Dick Dougall, Chlorophyllum rachodes
- Pictorial – Third Place: Cecily Franklin, Coprinus sp.
- Judges option – First Place: John Stuart, Crucibulum laeve
- Judges option – Second Place: Mary Jo Smiley, Toad on a Stool
- Judges option – Third Place: Renee Shiska, Grifola Frondosa
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