Species list entered by La Monte Yarroll.
List of species found on the walk at South Park:
[icon style=”camera”] Clitocybe nuda (Blewit),
[icon style=”camera”] Armillaria mellea (Honey Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Fomitopsis spraguei (Green Cheese Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Hymenoscyphus virgultorum (),
[icon style=”camera”] Lycogala epidendrum (Wolf’s Milk Slime),
[icon style=”camera”] Megacollybia rodmani (Platterful Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Mycena luteopallens (Walnut Mycena),
[icon style=”camera”] Neofavolus alveolaris (Hexagonal-pored Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Panellus stipticus (Luminescent Panellus, bitter oyster),
[icon style=”camera”] Parasola plicatilis (Japanese Umbrella Inky),
[icon style=”camera”] Pleurocybella porrigens (Angel-wing Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom),
[icon style=”camera”] Polyporus badius (Black-footed Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum complicatum (Crowded Parchment),
[icon style=”camera”] Stereum ostrea (False Turkey-tail),
[icon style=”camera”] Trametes gibbosa (Lumpy bracket),
[icon style=”camera”] Trametes hirsuta (),
[icon style=”camera”] Trichaptum biforme (Violet Toothed-Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Tyromyces chioneus (White Cheese Polypore),
[icon style=”camera”] Xylaria polymorpha (Dead Man’s Fingers),
[icon style=”camera”] Xylobolus frustulatus (Ceramic Parchment)
Weather wet and a surprising lack of larger mushrooms and also autumn mushrooms around. We did find a few blewits and honey mushrooms through. The Hymenoscyphus virgultorum identification should be taken with a pinch of salt. I think it may be a European name but I don’t know what else to call it (Richard Jacob).
Also plenty of unidentified Mycena.
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