Newsletter Submissions Welcome
As the editor of the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club newsletter, I encourage and welcome submissions, ideas, requests, suggestions and photos from any of our members.
All submissions, etc., for the newsletter should be emailed to me at Cecily Franklin. By doing so you give the WPMC permission to publish your submission.
About the Newsletter
The newsletter of the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club is published five times a year: March/ April, May/June, July/Aug., Sept./Oct., and Nov/Dec. Articles, photos, news items and other submissions should be sent to the editor at least 6-8 weeks prior to targeted distribution for the best chance of inclusion. The editor cannot guarantee that submissions will be included in the next newsletter. The editor reserves the right to make spelling or grammatical corrections and may suggest content changes to the author. Material published in our newsletters may be used in other non-profit publications only with expressed permission and with appropriate acknowledgements.
The newsletter has a new look and you can see the current letter as a PDF here or as a magazine.
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